Can you see him?

He scatters words as breadcrumbs: each are a little, loving clue. They’re the only way which he can capture what he longs to say to you. He sits silent in his wheelchair while you walk away above. His eyes take in your beauty, beating heart hurts from love. His limp legs sit shaking, he wishes … More Can you see him?

Author’s Note 3 – Phoebe & M.E (plus “In the Darkened Room”)

It’s rare for me to write author’s notes and rarer still for me to write introductions prior to adding a poem or a story to my site. The first time I added an introduction to a poem on my site was for the poem “Sleeping Beauty & M.E“, which is still my girlfriend Phoebe’s favourite poem … More Author’s Note 3 – Phoebe & M.E (plus “In the Darkened Room”)