Burden Unburdened

They made you feel like a burden, borne by those stronger than thee. They would push, pull & carry, help but complain constantly! Some days they would milk it more, martyrs pushing your wheelchair. “Look strangers, aren’t I lovely for pushing her here to there?” They made you feel like a burden, baggage best left … More Burden Unburdened

Author’s Note 3 – Phoebe & M.E (plus “In the Darkened Room”)

It’s rare for me to write author’s notes and rarer still for me to write introductions prior to adding a poem or a story to my site. The first time I added an introduction to a poem on my site was for the poem “Sleeping Beauty & M.E“, which is still my girlfriend Phoebe’s favourite poem … More Author’s Note 3 – Phoebe & M.E (plus “In the Darkened Room”)