The Suffer Ring

I cannot promise roses will eternally bloom or that the light will ever eclipse the gloom. I may make mistakes more often than not and cannot comprehend how much I forgot. I cannot promise you a happy every after. We will share sorrow to balance the laughter. The road will be rocky upon our life’s … More The Suffer Ring

Author’s Note 3 – Phoebe & M.E (plus “In the Darkened Room”)

It’s rare for me to write author’s notes and rarer still for me to write introductions prior to adding a poem or a story to my site. The first time I added an introduction to a poem on my site was for the poem “Sleeping Beauty & M.E“, which is still my girlfriend Phoebe’s favourite poem … More Author’s Note 3 – Phoebe & M.E (plus “In the Darkened Room”)